Saturday, July 2, 2011

Defining the Macro Compass Rules

From the game of Go, one learns that there is a set of universal rules that cross the various competitive arenas. If one spends some time, playing this game and becomes mindfully aware of the many events around him or her. One becomes more alert to the Big Tangible Picture (BTP) that is around him or her.

1. The Dao is Everything.
There is a way (or an order) in every activity or setting. Knowing the macro sequence (and the micro connections) between each realm, usually offered one's the insight of what is the way.

2. The Sequence is Everything
For every way there are many sequences. Understanding the macro order (and the micro orders) within each sequence. One learns how it works

3. The Timing is Everything
Once the Dao and the sequence have been comprehended, one's must be able to time their actions to the situation.  Getting the feeling of timing is about cultivating one's sense of awareness.

How do these three rules fit into the topic of strategic assessment process? Knowing how things work and how it connects to other things, usually enable anyone to properly assess the Big Tangible Picture. The challenge is to take the time and the effort to do it properly.

Your Game
How do you plan your strategy? Have you ever assessed your target and its surroundings?

In any relevant competitive analysis checklist, the professionals usually focus on the following points: the extensiveness of their competition; their size; their strength; their location; their capabilities and the intentions of the target.

Do you do that?

Most people preferred not to operate with this amount of details. It usually confuses them. They preferred to teach and preach the art of inspiring leadership and hoped that things will work itself out regardless of their situation.

The Simplicity of Our Process
Know the Dao. Understand the sequence. Pinpoint the timing points. Only then one can successfully assesses anything. That is all one has to do.

Does your project team performed the above steps?

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