Sunday, April 9, 2017

Observing the Big Tangible Picture (BTP) From the Top View (A Perspective From Hui Shi) 2 of 2

(updated at 07.28.17, 1:11 am)

Following is a brief analysis of Hui Shi's guidelines for viewing the configuration of the Big Tangible Picture (aka. The 10 Theories. or the 10 Paradoxes):

"The largest thing has nothing beyond it; it is called the "One of Largeness." The smallest thing has nothing within it; it is called the "One of Smallness."
The largest object is always attached to the Big Tangible Picture because of its influential effect while the smallest object possessed no centrality. Its internal state is increased when it is attached to a similar object.

"That which has no thickness cannot be piled up; yet it is a thousand li in dimension." 
A well-configured object has no capability but has the prowess to expand because of its unique framework.

/// Note: Beside measuring the size of an object. the perceptive strategist immediately examines its connectivity and its centrality (in reference to time and space).  


"Heaven is as low as earth; mountains and marshes are on the same level." 
Whenever the cycle of the external factors is completely affecting the entirety of a strategic situation (the Big Tangible Picture), the time factor become relevant.  Simultaneously,  the strategic effect of each categorical terrain's obstacles could become quite pertinent..

"The sun at noon is the sun setting. The thing born is the thing dying."
There is a seasonal cycle, a rhythm and a flow in everything while there is a cause and an effect in the macro realm.  (Identify the strategic inflection point where a dichotomy occurs.) 

"Great similarities are different from little similarities; these are called the little similarities and differences. The ten thousand things are all similar and are all different; these are called the great similarities and differences."
Based on the configuration of the current situation, the perceptive strategist identifies the similar conditions and the different conditions of the different objects. Both the similarities and the dissimilarities  define the tangible configuration of the situation.

"The southern region has no limit and yet has a limit."  
Regardless of the projected capability of an relevant object,  this object has a finite coverage.

"I set off for Yueh today and came there yesterday."  
The grand time standard of a terrain-based situation occasionally changes the circumstances behind the the perceptive strategist's objective

Humorous translation: By recognizing that the true north of one's strategic situation and arriving at its "destination” (with minimal to zero damage), one could only then repeat that same ambition. 

"Linked rings can be separated." 
Through the identification of the connective sequence of the components that existed within the macro sequence of a system, the perceptive strategist immediately generates a new strategic  perspective.

"I know the center of the world: it is north of Yen and south of Yueh." 
Through the identification of the central point of an object or a situation, the perceptive strategist immediately pinpoints its prowess.

 "Let love embrace the ten thousand things; Heaven and earth are a single body." 
By pinpointing the singular conditional factor that synchronizes all of the objects (the focal catalyst/ the most common denominators), one identifies the possible matrix of connectivity for that strategic situation.

Comments From The Compass Desk
To improve or to enhance the actual output of an object (i.e., an event, an entity, a product, a service, etc.), one must first recognize the internal connectivity that operates within the targeted system

Pinpointing its system cycle, its contradictions, its unity points and the midpoint is the next macro step for establishing the possibility of creating a strategic difference.

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