Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Dao of the Unorthodox Approach #7

"Hit them where they ain't" - Anonymous 

There is more to the concept of unorthodox strategies than espousing irrelevant quotes.

To successfully implement an unorthodox tactic in a competitive situation, the smart strategist employs the tendencies of every relevant participants as a starting point.  Click here for a good example.

By reading Bill Walsh's autobiography and the other strategy classics (i.e, the Seven Strategy Classics, 100 Unorthodox Strategies, etc.)  one could conclude the following points for implementing an unorthodox tactic in a competitive situation:
  • Utilizing the flow of the script to stage the competitor toward a disadvantageous situation;
  • Implementing it early in the situation while being positioned at a safe location
  • Implementing the same play once per season;  
  • Utilizing it to influence your competitor's choice of tactical play while maintaining the initial scheme; and 
  • Utilizing it to demoralize the fighting spirit of your competition.
There are more points to implementing an unorthodox tactic.  By reading the right strategy books and properly practicing it (within the right setting), your odds of prevailing slightly increases.   

The Question of the Day
Do you know how to successfully implement an unorthodox strategy?

Next to Final Point
The particulars of any situation usually decide whether this approach can be used for unique competitive situations. The chief decision makers have the responsibilities to analyzing those particulars before ever deciding whether it can be properly executed.

Those who believed that reading the Art of War, OODA and/or B.H. Liddell Hart's view of strategy will provide the proper foundation, are spending too much time preaching their inspirational quotes while sipping on their numerous cans of diet drink. Quotes do not really espouse the specifics for  playing the strategy game  Knowing the tangible specifics of the approach does help a lot.

It all begins by assessing the big picture. Then, positioning oneself through planning and preparation. Finally, influencing one's target through the use of their grand settings  It is that simple from a conceptual viewpoint.

Life is complex for those who strive for higher goals. They must understand that assessing the order of the complexity within their terrain is the first step toward strategic success. This exercise is simple to a few.  To the rest of the masses, it is an exercise of futility.

We will talk about the topic of transforming the complexity to a simple and predictable setting in a future post.

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