Sunday, May 15, 2011

Applying the Strategic Principles to the Real World

Someone sent us this news item and asked us to offer a strategic view on how we would apply a Chinese strategic view to a local political situation. ... As we tell most people, it all begins by assessing their needs, their wants and the state of Big Tangible Picture.

Here is a partial listing of our response:
"In an information society, successful strategists contested their social-political will at the meeting rooms or the hallways of various political settings. Alliances, deals and feuds are sometime created at the water coolers, the back room of an eatery, a coffee shop or the 19th hole of a golf course. ...

The concealed possession of various political and economic influences usually gives the bearer (s) the leverage to make deals behind the closed doors of those mentioned settings that most outsiders do not know about.

... Implementing assorted social influences as a macro political influence could work But it usually requires patience, control, intelligence, economics, logistics, etc. ... When one does not have the prevailing strategic power, one must have the mindfulness, the willingness and the persistence to play "the grinding, the grounding and the pounding game" with the secondary understanding of securing the option of neutralization.

Following is an abridged list of our strategic awareness points:
  • Understand that the quality of trust and cooperation is proportional to the quality of informational transparency;
  • Remember that the full informational transparency is an illusion of the idealistic naive;
  • Anticipate that there is always a possibility of political deception being displayed to the public;
  • Remember that the quality of collected intelligence is proportional to the quality of strategic assessment (It is why the Art of War starts with chapter 1 and ends with chapter 13.)
Once the scope of the terrain is understood, the successful strategists typically proceed forward by "weighing and balancing" the relevant strategic and tactical attributes of their situation. In future posts, we will discussed this unique skill of successful strategists.

Ruminations from the Compass Desk

Assessing the Big Tangible Picture and understanding the various strategic principles usually enables one to be strategically effective in a world of zero-sum gains and partially valued win-win situations. ...

Knowing the rules of the game, the exceptions, the history and the operational specifics behind it is the first step. Organizing it into a strategic overview process and implementing it with strategic effectiveness are the next steps. ... It all begins by having a strategic process to operate from. By properly assessing their Big Tangible Picture, he or she can position and influence.

Comprehending the Big Tangible Picture has frequently enabled the successful strategists to connect the dots and reap the rewards.

Do you know your Big Tangible Picture? What is your process for positioning your team to influencing?

Is this a lot of work?

Compass Rule: The height of one's challenge usually determines the risk and some times the rewards.

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