Friday, April 20, 2012

Compass Trend (20): The Efficient Economy

In the information economy, some trade secrets are now sellable. If a corporate culture does not appreciate it, the formerly prized employee becomes a free agent. He or she goes to an employer who appreciated their skill set. ... In some cases, the corporate culture who failed to maintain this talented individual, will pay the price.

Aida says the Japanese culture of wanting perfection from its products has left many engineers exhausted.
"Japanese demand for quality is excessive," he said. "It makes one not want to work there."
In the efficient economy, some of the masses have operated on the notion of "good enough" for a long time. They usually are the one who rarely think long term. There is a risk consequence for that view. There is no right or wrong. It is the mindset of the influenced masses.

In summary, it all depends on where one is positioned and what is their situation. Situation matters.

* Side topic: The naive has a tendency of ignoring the importance of security.

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