Thursday, February 2, 2012

Compass Trend (10): Employing the Health-Perfect Employees

In order to minimize their costs and maximize their operational efficiency, some of the companies are now demanding the employment of non-smoking employees. From the employers viewpoint, they have to achieve the minimum costs at all levels. We believed that this trend has the potential to become the standard for lower tier employees. Sooner or later, these companies will only employ people who possessed the near-perfect food diet.

The standards of employment are now being raised in our minimum-growth economy. The exception to this "possible" norm is the person who generates a great amount of profit that exceeds the cost by 10 x's.

In summary, staying ahead of the curve means that one must stay focused on the various political, economic, social and technological influences that are appearing in our performance-driven society.

1 comment:

Fit-Twist said...

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