"I told Coach Smith this story one time. I had a player come over to me one night, and said 'coach don't you want me to shoot that shot, they're leaving me wide open.' I said, 'the guy on the other team is not dumb, son. He's leaving you open for a reason.' We're going to try to do what we want to do, not what the other team wants us to do. I've always been amused somewhat by football coaches that say we took what they gave us. I don't want that, I want to take what I want. I think with the youngsters we have over there and the season they have under their belt this year...you know, the adversity you had - it wasn't fun going through. But it's going to make each one of you stronger. And it's going to make each one of you enjoy the good times. ..."

"Those with the superior advantage, contesting in a predictable setting, will succeed.
Those with the superior advantage, contesting in an unpredictable setting, might be surprised (by their opposition).
Those with no advantage contesting in a predictable setting, might survive.
Those with no advantage, contesting in an unpredictable setting, will fail.
This is the "Dao of Strategy."
- Paraphrased from the essence of the Chinese Strategy Classics.
Following is some food for thought for the reader:
- Have you assessed your company and your competition lately ?
- Do you know what is your advantage?
- Is your advantage based on the assessment of yourself, not on your competition?
- Without assessing your opposition and your grand settings, do you know how your advantage will operate into the grand settings of your competitive arena?
Unanswerable questions means that you are not prepared to compete in this hyper-competitive global economy.
Compass360 Consulting Group . Copyright:2009 © All rights reserved. Copying, posting and reproduction in any form (without prior consent) is an infringement of copyright.
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