Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Compass View on Miyamoto Musashi's Go Rin No Sho (The Book of Five Rings)

updated at 11:10 hr

In a previous post, we discussed how to apply the Art of War (AoW)  principles to martial arts.  Past and present field implementers who have compete in the extreme terrain, preferred the concepts of Musashi.

The Five Rings Behind Musashi's Classic
The initial chapter (The Ground book) centers on the understanding of the strategic fundamentals and the psyche of one's own profession while the Water book emphasizes on the basics for adjusting one's state of strategic awareness  to the situation

The Fire book accentuates on the importance of intensifying one's strategic state of mindful awareness to an extreme situation whereas the Wind book concentrates on the myriad of different categories of strategic systems. This category of understanding enables the serious readers to identify the basic decision management process of the chief decision makers and the elite field implementers at the field level.

The Void book emphasizes on possessing the pervasive state of awareness where one could mindfully comprehend the Big Tangible Picture of their competitive situation in terms of the following:
  • knowing the fundamentals; 
  • recognizing the motive and the method of their competition; 
  • the adjustment points; and 
  • the intensification of one's actions.
Performing all of the mentioned points in a mindful sequence is the challenge

Click here to read more about Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings.  If you are an advanced implementer of the Five .Rings approach, click here and here for other insights.

We will focus more on applying these tactics in specific field scenarios, in a future post,  


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