Saturday, July 28, 2012

What is Your Everyday Strategic Approach?

In life, some people carry their mono-colored rabbit feet or their green tiger jade in their jacket and go with the flow.  ...  Each day, they might look at the news medium of their choice and decided on their objectives.  ... In terms of lucky objects, some of them preferred to wear one of their favorite-colored dressed shirts or carrying their lucky charm as a part of their day to day modus operandi.

The Compass Way
The Compass360 Consulting Group believed in the constant practice of assessing, positioning and influencing (API). We followed our script of objectives and approaches while being mindfully aware of our settings by scripting or re-scripting our daily plan the week before and/or the night before.  

The scripts and the plans are cautiously adjusted according to the prioritized urgencies of the situation.

Humorously, some of our other associates utilized the Taijiquan process of "Ting Jing, Dong Jing and Fa Jing" as their general strategic approach.

Q: What is your everyday strategic approach?

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