Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Metaphor of the Day

There are those who described their role in life with the metaphor of western chess. 

The Roles 
The pawns and the knights are those who preferred to be involved in the action of the situation.   While the pawns are usually mono-focused in their specialty, the knights are just pawns who possessed more skills and a larger range of influence.   The professional life cycles of the pawns are quite limited.

...  Then, there are those who have the proclivity to advise and suggested ideas and plans without getting their hands dirty.  They specialized in their process of the grand overview and overseeing their terrain within their limited sphere of influence.  This group of specialists can be categorized as bishops.

The rooks possessed the arcane knowledge and quitely observed the field view from the corner. Besides protecting the king's blindspot, he or she usually enters into the competitive field, during the middle of the game.  Their range of influence is usually greater than the other pieces. 

In life, the bishops sometimes managed the tactical roles and the operational responsibilities of the rooks, the  knights and the pawns.

The king and the queen are usually those who belong to the upper tier and possessed the greatest range of "strategic" influence.

The Shakespeare's View
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
-  William Shakespeare's As You Like It

Most people possessed portions of the required aptitude and the behavior of each chess piece.  Occasionally, there are some who have the integrated prowess and the behavior of the other pieces. 

In the field of extreme competition, what role do you play?
                                                             The Compass View
Those who cannot see the Big Tangible Picture, are usually pawned.  ... 

In summary, this is the outcome of extreme competition.

Compass View
In a predictable setting, this metaphor usually appears quite subtle.

Regardless of the situation and the values, the product of the pieces is greater than the sum of the pieces.  To understand that point, one must focusing on understanding how to assess their Big Tangible Picture (BTP).

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