Sunday, October 16, 2011

Connecting the Dots and Reaping the Rewards

To understand the state of the information economy, the first step is to know how everything connects.

Technology Evolves First
It has been said that necessity is the mother of all inventions. Assumption is the father of screwups. Whether there are useless wants or significant needs, devoted (and economically-driven), the users adjusted to the new changes. Most features are rarely used.

Compass Rule: When the impact of the current technology meets the sociological and economical wants of the clients, the social-political value of the technology increases.

Click here and here for two good examples that verified the above Compass rule.

To stay ahead of the curve, one should not get locked into the convenience of the technology. ... Be aware of the various vendors who needs your loyalty by quietly pushing their lock-in strategy onto you.

Technology is the Opium of the Masses
Heavens know that each one of us loved our technology. Remember that it is just a tool, not the end of all means. Tools come and go. Some evolve. Most become obsolete.

Using the Chinese strategic principles as a foundation remains the constant for some people. Transforming it to something pertinent is the goal of most serious strategists. The amateurs talk about it like if it is magic. The professionals who know, don't say.

The State of the Information Economy
In the information economy, the implementation of deception is paramount.

Regardless of the times, many businesses indirectly has a myriad of Chinese strategic principles as their strategic foundation. Implementing it covertly is the key to some level of success. Most of the masses are so overwhelmed with their situation that they cannot see the various subtle influences around them. In summary, the deception would be somehow revealed. These implementers would then disappeared and wait for the next opportunity.

It all begins by knowing the Big Tangible Picture (BTP). The first step is knowing how everything connects in one's world.

So what are the rewards for knowing the BTP, he/she can anticipate "the next big change" in their competitive arena. At that moment, Then the chief decision makers are able to comprehend whether the act of profit maximization and/or cost minimization is possible.

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