Sunday, October 9, 2011

Competing in the Global Economy: Stopping the Pacesetter

So how does one stop a pacesetter who is quite ahead of the game?

"If one is behind, use the yin tactics.
If one is ahead, use the yang tactics. "
- The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China

In terms of weiqi (GO), this pacesetter is more than a few stones ahead of their competition. The configuration behind their macro approach can be found in this basic list of weiqi (Go) strategies.

By understanding the metaphor that the Pacesetter is using, these competitors could be able to determine how he makes his decisions.

Before an underdog competes against the favored, he or she must understand the configuration of their Big Tangible Picture (BTP).

Following is a generalized list of those things that one must focus on:
  • the informational flow of one's grand terrain and beyond;
  • the influence of the chief decision makers;
  • the belief of the chief decision makers; and
  • the judgement of the chief decision makers.
In your case, do you know the configuration?

The Process
The initial steps are:
  • Knowing the truth of one's Big Tangible Picture is the first step; and
  • Perceiving the hard and soft circumstances that lie within it.
Utilization of those two steps usually improves the possibility of prevailing over the competition.

The ideal process is to implement a strategic solution that requires no obvious effort.

Notes from the Compass Desk
Unlike what the amateurs preached to the masses, the favored does not walk around with a copy of the Art of War in their hand. They lead by example through the action of internalizing their understanding of the various strategic classics by operating beyond its format. It has been rumored that these chief decision makers followed the strategic views of Jiang Tai Gong and Wuzi's. Some of our associates preferred to carry a copy of WSJ or NYT.

To play against the favored, one must quietly "talk the walk" and "walk the talk. "

Read the Big Tangible Picture before deciding. Focus on making a progression of good decisions. So, good things will happen.

So how does the favored internalizes the strategic principles? We would only presumed that they usually talk about it with their respected peers and practice this arcane skill in their close quarters. It is rarely spoken out in the public.

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