Study your terrain and the people that are within it. Determine whether the implementers are able to properly lead or implement their strategy. Examine whether their range of staying focused on target is limited to 60 seconds or 90 minutes.
Without the skill and the endurance of staying focused, these attention-deficient people are not able to operate efficiently.
What are the odds of their projects ever finishing on time, on budget and on target?
Side note: Most Silicon Valley companies know that a project that properly meets on those three points is quite a challenge. One company usually rewards their employees when a minimum of two of those three objectives are met.
On another note, some of the so-called Sunzi experts (students) believe that this type of project management can be accomplished by finding the path of least resistance. Most of them have never done it from a ground level view. They always talk the game, but have no process of assessing, positioning and influencing..