Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Compass Tradition: Scripting with a Purpose (2)

The script process works well in a grand competitive situation where there are many specific tactical scenarios that one might encounter.

It was initially designed to identify the competitor's tendencies during the opening stage of the competition while concealing the strategic pretext for subsequent tactical situations.  Good pre-game strategic assessment enables the successful strategists to utilize the various scenario plays to secure an early strategic gain.

Some of these scenario plays utilized the various unorthodox means to shape the view of the competition. 

The Questions of the Day
In your competitive situation,  do you use a script to shape your competition?   

If so, what are the strategic principles do you use that makes your scripting process uniquely effective?

Side note
Bill Walsh have always emphasized in the practice of scripting the play calls in an emotional free environment during the week rather than trying to call plays  amidst the surge of adrenaline and stress on game day.

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