Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pragmatic Practices (2): Operating on a Day To Day Base

There are many ways to stay organized.

One way is to utilize a master spreadsheet of lists that encompasses many daily activities (priority objectives, grocery shopping, on-line reminders, etc.). On the long term, an organized and centralized database will save an abundance of time. It is important to backup that master file almost everyday.

While a mildly complex overpriced, high-tech tool can create a low impact "nothing", a simple low tech-driven process can create a higher impact.

Processwise, it is significant to rank one's priorities in terms of daily importance and so forth. It usually take a maximum of 30 minutes to do it. Most people are usually too distracted to spend 30 minutes on one objective.

As one matured professionally, try adding a few various processes to your grand system of multiple processes and procedures. What works for one person, might not work for another. Staying focused on an assortment of prioritized daily objectives, while being aware of one settings can be a challenge for most people.

The challenge for most implementers is to stay with the process while operating under the pressure of time and resources limitation.
Concomitantly, it is always challenging for most people to keep their eye on the objective while being mindfully aware of their surroundings.

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