Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Dao of the Ultra Class Strategists: The Basics

To prevail in the global economy, some of the Asian businesses are using the strategic basics from "The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China" and "The 100 Unorthodox Strategies."

By reading the Seven Military Classics, one understands the following points:
  • The Fundamentals of the Competition,
  • The Way of Competition;
  • The Way of Strategic and Operational Leadership;
  • The Operational Essentials; and
  • The Operational Specifics.
To disrupt the strong, the smart learns everything about the competitive terrain and the opposition within, in order to position oneself ahead of the curve.

The 100 Unorthodox Strategies is a tactical guide that the ultra class strategists have used as the intellectual foundation to create deceptive illusions. In our future posts, we will focus on the details for detecting the reality from the mountains of illusions.

Final Thoughts
Ask yourself what is your strategist reading these days!? What is the foundation of his/her strategic aptitude? Is their knowledge helping your company compete effectively in the ever-changing global economy?

Knowing the principles are good. But do the strategist have the fundamentals and the strategic process to assess the big picture. and your competition!?

All strategy viewpoints are worthless if the consultant does not have the proper process model to achieve the end in mind.

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