Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Big Tangible Picture: Assessing Yahoo

To compete in the information economy, the successful strategists frequently focus on understanding the value of the relevant and what is its rate of change. ... In the case of Yahoo, the chief decision makers did not think about the probable tangible changes within the Big Tangible Picture (BTP).

During their strategy session, they could have asked the following three questions:
  1. Is our decision based on the connection between our competitive disposition and the configuration of the targeted market terrain?
  2. Is our decision also based on the connection between our strategic influence and the configuration of the opportunistic situation?
  3. Is our decision based on the connection of the illusion and the reality of the situation to the change of the market terrain?
Compass Rule:
  • Know the specifics behind the Big Tangible Picture before one starts the process of questioning.

Proper strategic assessment of their buyers in terms of cycles and causation, would have helped Yahoo in adjusting to the probable change within their Big Tangible Picture without any major glitch. ...

The name of the game is to connect the dots and reap the rewards. ... It is that simple. ... Are you doing it?

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